#1 Lawyer
My eldest says the sole reason for this job making the list is because I would more than likely refer to the wrong person as a jackass. I am far too committed to the idea of personal responsibility to ever be a party to "getting someone off", and get your minds out of the gutter there.
#2 Doctor or Nurse
I don't have the patience for that amount of school, for starters. I am not entirely squicked out by blood and gore, but I avoid it whenever I can.
#3 Politician
While I am politically active and aware, I choose not to run for office for basically the same reasons lawyering is not for me. I cannot stand the latest obsession by our governing bodies to legislate the crap out of everything. Seriously, outlawing the Big Gulp? There are NO better ways to spend our time and tax dollars? I think I'd end up hitting people.
#4 Repairman Of Any Sort
It just wouldn't end well.
#5 Therapist
I would be a big meanie of a therapist, the "put on your big girl panties and deal with it" type. I doubt I'd have many return clients.
#6 Spy
Mainly because I'm a terrible liar.
#7 God
I think I'd be a wrathful, old Testament type deity and that just wouldn't end well.